How do children learn at Ladybird?
At Ladybird we believe that children learn best from hands-on, practical experience which allows them to explore, experiment and interact in a relaxed, nurturing environment.
- children develop into independent, self-motivated learners
Our holistic, developmentally appropriate ‘play and learn’ preschool programs ensure that children are stimulated and challenged in all areas of development and exposed to the English language through a carefully designed thematic curriculum and meaningful activities
- a balance between individual, small group and whole group activities
Interaction and enquiry are an integral part of our programs and children are encouraged and guided in becoming active participants in the learning process.
- classes characterised by conversation and co-operation
Well-trained, caring staff guide children in their activities offering support and encouragement and our high teacher/pupil ratio allows for close interaction and enables teachers to respond to a wide range of abilities and learning styles
- maximum group size of 15-18 children with 3 teaching staff
At Ladybird we recognise each child’s individual learning style and develop strengths and needs accordingly. We aspire to work in partnership with parents to achieve positive and meaningful development throughout early childhood and ensure that children are fully equipped to face the challenges they will go on to meet in elementary school
- each child should achieve success every day
The Importance of Play
In our preschool children learn and develop holistically through a play-based approach to the curriculum.
Play makes a powerful contribution to all aspects of young children’s development by allowing them to learn in a variety of ways. Teachers plan a wide range of activities and experiences which allow children to listen and observe, to talk, to explore, investigate and experiment and to draw and test their conclusions and learn about the world around them. They develop interests and try out different ways of learning. Their social and emotional skills develop as they play with others and develop their relationships with adults and other children in the centre.
Through play, children learn to make choices and take responsibility for their actions and behaviour with teachers planning, observing, supporting and extending children as they carry out their activities. Outdoor play is a daily activity requiring children to use their gross motor skills, which not only improves their physical health but also enhances their mental and emotional well-being.
Language Policy
The language of instruction in the preschool in English.
- During all group activities, routines and transitions English is used. Teachers also address children in English during free play activities indoors and out.
- For children who do not yet speak English fluently staff will at times address them in Bahasa Indonesia (or another 1st language) in order to establish a closer relationship, which is very important at this stage in their development.
- It is normal that children continue to use their mother tongue together in free play situations. During free activities staff respond to or repeat children’s comments in English, but do not force children to speak English if they are not ready. Once children reach the Right Start class they often begin to use English more spontaneously
- For children who speak English as a first language we believe that if they are also able to learn some Bahasa Indonesia during their time at preschool this will be a positive experience for them and will enrich their experience of life in Indonesia.
We encourage parents to continue using their mother tongue with their child. It is not necessary to start speaking to your child in English now unless you have already been doing so since birth, although it is fine to try to teach your son/daughter some English vocabulary (through songs and games) if you wish to do so.
- The kindergarten operates a bilingual language policy, where both English and Bahasa Indonesia are used as media of instruction. English is however the dominant language with a ratio of approximately 80/20%
- We operate a policy of language separation, whereby teachers and children should use Bahasa Indonesia during the Bahasa class and English only for the rest of the morning. We do not encourage the mixing of languages during lessons.
- Mandarin is considered a third or foreign language and is taught as an extra-curricular subject.
Please note that due to the emphasis on active participation and the exploration of topics in depth, children entering the kindergarten are required to have adequate prior exposure to English. We regret that only children from our Right Start program (or from another English medium pre-school), or children who use English as a home language can be admitted into the Kindergarten program
Partnership with Parents
It is our aim that children, staff and parents work together to build a solid foundation in all areas of development, thus enabling children to make a smooth transition to kindergarten and to a life-time of learning.
We welcome parents to the school at any time to discuss their child’s progress or to address any other matters. In addition we communicate regularly with parents in the following ways:
- informal conversation at drop-off and pick-up times
- telephone call to parents (as necessary)
- ‘good news’ notes
- school notice board
- monthly class newsletter
- parent teacher conference
- communication book (Kindergarten only)